+7 (34922) 3-23-30
Наш адрес: г Салехард, ул Мира, д 11

    Муниципальное автономное учреждение

    "Спортивная школа "Фаворит"


Официальный сайт
  • User agreement
  • Your Data
  • Creating a user
To continue, you must read and accept the user agreement

To the attention of sports schools and federations

To use the site to manage your organization's data, you should continue to register as an individual, and then you will be appointed administrator of your organization. For ease of use, you should register each user from your organization separately.

Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*)
New user's data
Username *
Password *
Repeat the password *
Full name *
Paul *
Date of birth *
Email address *
Cell phone
City *
Types of sports
The creation of a new user has been completed successfully. A message has been sent to your mailbox. If you have not received a message within 15 minutes, then you may want to specify a different email address to receive notifications.